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Now is NOT the Time to Stop… It is the Time to Plan!

mmaloney • Apr 05, 2020
Over the last 3-weeks business owners of all sizes have been challenged on a daily basis to create new strategies, and develop ways to keep business going in the midst of what will likely be the biggest challenge of our generation.

These challenges have had businesses scrambling to figure out “work from home” procedures, identify if their team needs to be downsized, and also how to navigate the constantly changing messages and communication that all key stakeholders need. 

Some businesses currently have not seen a loss of business or revenue, some have already shut their doors. Although the unknown seems to be the only known thing right now, I think another thing most people are now coming to terms with is that business is going to change.

McKinsey and Company have now released an article that suggests what business need to be doing right now is to have a separate “Plan-Ahead” team. This team is different from the current strategy team. It is a dedicated team that they suggest looks at your business in segments (1 to 2 weeks ahead, 1 to 2 quarters ahead, 1 to 2 years ahead, and the next normal”. 

Although some companies may be able to manage the current crisis with a “stay calm and carry on” philosophy, most businesses are facing potential restructuring, the need to identify new ways to diversify, or potentially an entirely new business strategy to stay in the game. This is a daunting task of reflection and planning for any business, but as a small or medium size company, without the resources or the people to focus on this, how do you actually make this happen?

As someone who has worked in change leadership for a number of years, I find the ADKAR model for change is one that is easy to understand, and right now easy to understand tools are what we need more of in our back pockets! 

A- Awareness- recognize the need for change

D- Desire- participate and support the change

K- Knowledge- know how to change and identify what the change will look like in terms of skills and behaviours

A- Ability- implement the change on a daily basis

R- Reinforcement- Sustain the change over the long term

This change model is flexible and offers a lot of room to move around in it. However right now when the top consulting firms are recommending fast and swift change, decision making and action. We need to NOT get stuck in what we are currently doing as the ONLY way to do business.

What we know about change leadership is that it is more about managing the emotions around change then it is about managing the change itself. I would invite you to be open to the fact, that right now as a small business owner, emotions are high (as expected) and there is a possibility that managing our own leadership mindset is being challenged. 

Knowing that when our own emotions are high, we don’t think at our best, I think it is a great time to consider getting some support.

Having someone who can look at your business from a balcony view, allows for a perspective that is hard to get on your own. You are an expert in the product you sell, the service you offer, or the solution you give to others.

Let someone who is an expert at navigating change, business development or event client experience response help you through these challenging times. If there is a time to prioritize the energy and time you have to give; now is that time. Pulling back on pushing the business forward will not accelerate your business. However strategically spending your time on what you do best and getting support from others on what they do best is what is needed.

We will get through this together, you do not need to do it alone!

Here as your partner in developing the future of your small business, and planning for the days ahead.

Melissa Maloney is the founder of Happy Leader Enterprises; an operations and sales expert and Co-Founder of All Women L.E.A.D. Happy Leader Enterprises is committed to helping you build your business through EFFICIENCY, EFFECTIVENESS and ENGAGEMENT.

Happy Leader Enterprises would be proud to be part of your Plan Ahead Team. We are now offering 2 hour “Everybody Wins” strategy consultations. Book yours today:

By Melissa Maloney 28 Dec, 2022
Inclusion has a significant impact on employee engagement in the workplace. When employees feel included and valued, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to their work, leading to higher levels of productivity and overall job satisfaction. In contrast, a lack of inclusion can lead to disengagement and a negative work environment, ultimately harming the success and culture of an organization. One way that inclusion promotes employee engagement is by fostering a sense of belonging. When employees feel like they are a part of the team and that their contributions are valued, they are more likely to feel motivated and committed to their work. This sense of belonging is especially important for employees from diverse backgrounds, who may otherwise feel marginalized or unsupported in the workplace. By promoting inclusion and diversity, organizations can create amore welcoming and supportive environment that helps all employees feel valued and included. Inclusion also helps to create a culture of trust and respect within an organization. When employees feel that their ideas and perspectives are valued and considered, they are more likely to trust their colleagues and leadership. This trust is essential for building strong and productive teams, as it allows employees to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and collaborating with others. A culture of trust and respect also helps to reduce conflict andimprove communication, leading to a more positive and productive work environment. In addition to fostering a sense of belonging and building trust, inclusion also helps to create a more innovative and adaptable organization. By embracing diversity and encouraging different perspectives, organizations can tap into a wider range of ideas and approaches, leading to more creative and effective solutions. This is especially important in today's business environment, where the ability to adapt and innovate is critical for success. Three simple actions that organizations can take to create as a step toward an inclusive workplace are: 1. Implement policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion: This can include training programs, employee resource groups, and diversity and inclusion committees. These initiatives can help to create a more welcoming and supportive environment for all employees, and encourage the valuing of different perspectives and backgrounds. 2. Engage employees in discussions about diversity and inclusion: Encourage open communication and dialogue about diversity and inclusion within the organization. This can involve soliciting feedback and ideas from employees, and giving them the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences. 3. Make diversity and inclusion a priority in the hiring and promotion process: Consider diversity and inclusion when making hiring and promotion decisions. This can involve implementing diversity targets and goals, and actively seeking out candidates from underrepresented groups. By building a diverse and inclusive team, organizations can create a more positive and productive work environment for all employees.  Creating an inclusive workplace requires a commitment to diversity and inclusion at all levels of the organization. By implementing policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion, engaging employees in discussions about diversity and inclusion, and making diversity and inclusion a priority in the hiring and promotion process, organizations can create a more welcoming and supportive environment for all employees. This is essential for building a productive and engaged workforce that is able to meet the challenges of today's fast-paced and rapidly changing business environment.
By Melissa Maloney 29 Apr, 2020
There are a lot of people writing about how to sell during the pandemic. Or what does it look like when the world “re-opens” from a sales perspective. I have spent a lot of time researching and reading current trends and predictions from some of the top consulting firms and wanted to weigh in on this topic. But, in true Happy Leader Enterprises fashion I want to take a slightly different approach. I am going to break this down into what remains the same (because if you aren’t doing this already you should) and what will likely change. I also feel like we all need to be cautious in taking any projections as fact. I think if there is one thing everyone agrees on right now, it’s that we have never been through this before. We will continue to take lessons from this experience, and what we forecast now, may still need to evolve and change. Let’s begin! What Should Stay the Same: Don’t Stop Selling: An empty pipeline takes longer to refill then continuously adding to the pipeline. Think about it. If you have a pail of water that is catching the rain. And the pail is full. Every time it rains, it gets topped up and never runs dry. However, if for some reason it doesn’t rain for a long time, and the bucket dries out, it will take a while to fill it back up. Sales leads and business development is the same, you need to be filling the pipeline each day and ensuring that it never goes dry. It is always better to have a pipeline that is too full than a pipeline that is empty. Mindset, Mindset, Mindset: Sales is a head game. It was a year ago, it is now, it will be a year from now. The best sales people know how to play the game and not get in their own way by letting negative thoughts take over on the bad days. They understand mental toughness. A great sales person has strategies in their back pocket for what to do on the down days and how to ride the wave on the high days. This mindset will help right now as well. Even though it may be tested. Remember; you know the value your product brings… keep bringing value and mission and you will be better able to help your customers come with you! Your Customer is King: Without your customer you don’t have a business. This means they are king (it does not mean they are always right). However, you want to treat them with king level value. Appreciate their business, be grateful for their time, understand they could choose to buy from somewhere else. Consider their experience, consider their current needs, consider their current emotional state, how can you bring more value to them? How can you make their life easier? How can you save them money? How can you save them time? If you can save them time, money and make their life easy… you may also be king to them! Balance Optimism and Realism: As leaders, we need to be optimistic. We need to believe what is possible. Always! We need to balance that belief in possibility with the realism of what is actually happening. If things are not going well, we need to be able to see that. If there are obstacles in the path, we need to look at those obstacles, challenge them, but admit they are there than, find a solution for them. There are obvious challenges right now, so being honest about those challenges is needed, while also creating optimism about how you are handling them, or even how you intend to. Reflect and Measure: Slowing down enough to take time to reflect is always critical. Right now, it is no less critical. You need to take the time to reflect, evaluate and act. You need to take the time to measure what is working and what isn’t working. Understanding KPI’s may be slightly different right now, and measuring success may have different metrics, you need to measure to know the new normal and then have a starting point on what to reflect against going forward. What May Change: How Your Customer Reaches You: It is safe to assume that for the time being and likely into the future there will be less people “walking” into a business or for an outside account rep to walk into the business of a client. With people working from home for the indefinite future, how your customer reaches you will likely change. This needs to be considered in your marketing plans. As an example; as a grocery product, if you normally sampled in stores, they are predicting more than 31% of people will continue to order online. How will you reach customers if not through sampling? Grocery stores; how can you still offer sampling to online orders? There is a high prediction for more online interaction for customers, have you identified what that looks like for you? Your Messaging to Your Customer: Tone is likely going to be critical for a while. I really caution people right now to make sure your tone and message makes sense. I know you likely had a 12-month marketing plan; you may want to reevaluate it. Ask yourself; how will my customer react to this? As an example, I saw an online coach market for “Surviving the Pandemic” however the image chosen was of her laughing. It didn’t sit right. Does your imaging match the tone and message needed? You may also need to plan in the short term, since current events are changing quickly and what sits well today, may not sit well tomorrow. How You are Filling Your Pipeline: This is going to be something that direct sellers and account managers are very much going to have to reflect on. The reality is, there is some space to be had on social media, however that message space may get crowded. There may be limited networking events to meet face to face for a while. How else can you connect and reach out to your customer? What is your approach to gain their attention and interest? How are you optimizing your website for cell phone use? Is there a way for you to connect to your customer online? Over the phone? How will you attract your inbound traffic, as outbound attraction will be significantly different? The Length of Your Sales Process: As we start to re-open the economy the length of the sales process for some companies may shift. Predictions of consumer behaviour are predicting a decline in some areas, but an overall decline in people’s spending plans at least for the near future. Knowing this, it may take you longer to work through a sales cycle especially, if you traditionally have a short to medium length cycle (less than 1 week to one month). Knowing that people may make decisions more cautiously, they will likely reply on additional information and research, seek more time to make a decision and not feel good about any “pressure” sales approaches. Look to ways to increase urgency in the buying cycle by increasing value and connecting to the value a consumer will gain for THEM if they buy sooner, not for you. The Engagement of Your Team: Engagement of sales teams is usually closely connected to their success. Sales people (especially great sales people) like to win and feel great when they do. Knowing this and creating other measures of success will be critical outside of just getting the sale. Managing closely how your sales teams are feeling in the face of these changes and challenges will be key to their engagement. Sales people need to see the path to success, and since it may be grey right now, you will need to be prepared to support them through this journey. Melissa Maloney, Founder of Happy Leader Enterprises is a Sales and Operations expert with over 20 years of experience driving a winning sales culture. If you would like Happy Leader Enterprises to support your business with your current and future sales strategy connect with Melissa directly at or visit
By Melissa Maloney 21 Apr, 2020
I posted the original version of this post almost a year ago. Obviously, a lot has changed since then, and in the business world the last 6 weeks have felt a year long to most of us. I felt there was a need to update this and re-post. Given the fact that trust in our teams is more needed than ever in the work from home world. Speedy decisions and constant change have become the norm during the reality that is now. Leaders are being challenged daily with the ability to not only deliver a quality product, but to also support their teams through what most are saying is the most challenging time in business history. Leaders that can build trust with both their employees and their customers throughout this time, are going to see those efforts pay off. The rules have changed, and the bullseye is moving, pretty much, daily. The question becomes… are you going to lead from the front in this situation? Or are you going to lag a little behind and follow? In order to stay in the lead, or in order to get in the lead you need to have a strategy. That strategy likely involves changes, and it also likely has many moving parts, both of these things require trust. If you don’t have a team of people you trust how do you move a project forward? If your people don’t trust you, how do you get them onboard with changes? This factor for trust is so limiting that it is critical to ensure you have a plan with your leaders, or with yourself on what you do to create an environment and a culture that fosters trust. Only then will you be able to get farther ahead. Here are 5 techniques I use to build trust with my workplace relationships (they can also work with all relationships… the great thing about trust- its universally needed!). Communicate, Communicate, Communicate I have added this 5th approach and made it the first strategy, because right now, I believe this is the ONE MOST CRITICAL THING YOU NEED TO DO! You need to communicate often and you need to communicate clearly. This may mean you are communicating that right now you don’t know. It may mean you are communicating that you have nothing to communicate. However, people are scared, anxious and looking for answers. The right strategy in the current state is more information then less, and recognizing that if people have a gap in the communication then they will fill that gap with their own stories. In the current state- those stories will likely be negative and not positive. Trust is built on the backs of communication. Remember this. Do what you say you will This is the simplest way I believe you can create trust. If you say you will do something, do it. Without being reminded. People are more likely to forgive error then they are to forgive incompletion. Knowing this, create a system for yourself (or let me help you do it) so that you can ensure the simplest things are followed through on. This will go farther then you likely expect! Give people a chance to show you what they can do! Too often leaders (and parents) don’t give people the opportunity to demonstrate how amazing they are. When you micro-manage a project, or you only delegate limited tasks, you limit the chance for people to show you how amazing they are. If you don’t give people the opportunity to take on something of importance and value (once they have earned the privilege) then they will feel like you don’t trust them. This level of empowerment needs to be laid out in a way that breeds success, but that also demonstrates a level of risk as well. In the current state, trusting that people are doing their best from home will go a long way. Creating too many “check ins” will make people feel you don’t trust them. Be consistent With trust, consistency is key. People need to know what to expect in order to be able to execute with confidence. If one day an action or behaviour generates one response and another day it generates a different response, how is trust to be built? This is one of the most important things a leader can do, act consistently and act with intention. Reaction is the nemesis of trust. Be on their side One of the easiest ways that we can build trust it to build an emotional connection with employees that allows them to see we are on their side! This is super important with the youngest workers. They have an innate need of feeling safe in order to help create a culture for their success. I suggest you show people you are on their side, by allowing them an opportunity to share what they feel regularly at meetings, creating a safe space for them to provide you with feedback, and also by understanding what is important to them in their lives (and helping them get it). I have created a tool to help you with this. Reach out and I can send it to you! Creating trust needs to be built into every person’s development plan, but it also needs to be an intentional operational decision as to what trust looks like in your workplace and how will it be strategically attained. I would love to support you in your trust culture, reach out anytime! Melissa Maloney is the founder of Happy Leader Enterprises; a consulting firm committed to helping your organization impact its culture through efficiency, effectiveness and engagement. Check out more posts and resources at
Energize Photo
By mmaloney 28 Mar, 2020
When I started researching employee engagement and putting a lot of focus and intention on specific strategies to impact satisfaction at work, I didn’t realize the direction it would take. Learning about the four energy sectors was something that initially seemed like just another tool in the tool box. However, as I started playing around with ways to implement them and began mixing them, with the other tools we use at Happy Leader Enterprises, I realized the value for my own teams and people. As I started to teach the strategies, in my key note addresses and workshops, the feedback I received was consistent across different industries, organizations, and individuals. It was then, I realized, just how much value there is in the concepts. I now know with every ounce of my soul these concepts can change your organizations culture and success! I love to curate information. I have always had this ability to take concepts and turn them into actions. To break down information into consumable chunks and make those chunks turn from theory to reality. That is what I have done with Energize, Prioritize and Optimize for Success. I have combined research from Harvard Business School, with research by Marcus Buckingham, with practical applications I have tested and configured over a number of years, and these cemented the foundation of The Happy Leader Method! Believing and knowing that people are any organizations greatest resource. Knowing that leaders need tools and supports to help ensure they can foster a culture of trust and building relationships. This is just the beginning of where the Energize, Prioritize and Optimize program begins. In order for you to lead, you need to have energy to give. In order for you to lead, you need to have time to share. As leaders, these are our two greatest resources: time and energy. This is why the foundation of The Happy Leader Method starts here. How can we give of ourselves if we have nothing to give? “They” say: prioritize your people. But how? “They” say: build trusting relationships so you can give feedback and influence behaviour. But how? Not an ounce of me believes leaders don’t want to spend more time with people (ok… there are probably some jerks out there). However, the reality is that is easier said then done. Leaders are trying to balance what they want to do and what they need to do. Leaders are trying to balance a lot of fighting priorities. With this in mind I have 2 very exciting things to announce… First: there will be a FREE Energize, Prioritize and Optimize Guide for Leaders coming in the next couple of weeks. This will serve as a way to increase your understanding of the concepts. It will be available VERY soon. Second: I am super excited to announce that I have officially launched an online training for Energize, Prioritize and Optimize for success. This includes 5 hours of video training and multiple tools to help you execute. The introductory pricing is 50% off ($199 plus HST) compared to the normal price of $399. Click here to check it out and see 3 preview videos: I know these strategies work. Even if you don’t where the “title” of leader, these methods will change how you organize your time. They will help you feel more productive. They will bring you control to the chaos of day to day… and most importantly they will increase your happiness and fulfillment so you can #livehappy! I am excited to continue to bring more methods and approaches to you with The Happy Leader Method! Melissa Maloney is the founder of Happy Leader Enterprises; a consulting firm dedicated to helping you with your operational and sales strategies with a people first focus! To reach Melissa: 519-318-0309
COVID-19 Leading Through Crisis
By mmaloney 15 Mar, 2020
At different times in our lives we have all been through adversity. This current time is testing even the best leaders. Why? Because the situation is evolving, what seems like, every minute. Both traditional and non-traditional media sources are monitoring the changes of this pandemic all the time and communicating information at us constantly. We also live in a world, where people are scared to make the wrong choice. Here are my recommendations for how to support people through these uncertain times. 1- Educate yourself In a world of information there are so many sources of information it can be hard to know what is right and what is misleading. Sources such as the World Health Organization or your local Public Health Department are a good place to start. One of the best ways to support people, and one of the best things you can do for yourself is to educate yourself with as much REAL information as possible. The information should be fact based and regularly reviewed. 2- Try and understand both sides of the situation This may seem like an odd thing to suggest, however in our world of social media there is a lot of information out there that demonstrates both sides of what is going on. One of the best things you can do as a leader (and we are all leaders) is to try and investigate from both sides. The more you can educate yourself on both sides of this, and any situation, will help you to support ALL people through the challenges of what is happening. You understanding both sides of the situation will increase your empathy! 3- Don’t place your opinions on other people Now is not the time to get caught in arguments about choices people are making. You do not know everyone’s individual circumstances. You likely have not asked a lot of questions about the reasoning behind their decision. So until you do those two things, please don’t judge someone if their choices don’t match your choices. Right now that is not moving us forward. We need to trust in good faith that people are doing their best. 4- Take care of yourself In times of stress and pressure; one of the greatest things you can do for yourself and others is to take care of you. Take time each day to exercise. Fuel yourself with real food. Drink lots of water. Take time to rest each night. When you take care of yourself you will be able to manage the stress and pressures of change and uncertainty with more energy. 5- Be a great change leader Change is stressful. Constant change is a whole new level of stress. The best change leaders are the best at managing and handling other peoples emotions. The best change leaders are the best at slowing down and responding vs reacting and helping others do the same. The best change leaders understand there will be differing opinions. The best change leaders understand that they must lead from the front. Be positive everyone! We will get through this. Wouldn’t it be great to get through it with a little less judgement?
By mmaloney 10 Dec, 2019
I am not a detail-oriented person. I am also not someone who gets rattled very easily by the words people say, I have a natural “let it go” attitude toward a lot of things. However, something very interesting is happening as I organize the All Women L.E.A.D. series ( I am having a lot more conversations with women about the treatment they have received in the work place, or the guilt they feel being a working mom, or even the expectations society puts on women when it comes to leading. As much as women now account for 50% of the workforce, we still have a lot to do when it comes to how we SPEAK about women in the workforce, and women in leadership more specifically. It is becoming more common to see memes or posts about not calling little girls “bossy” and instead to call it as it is, assertiveness. And then I see an image like this one, a chart depicting the words used to describe men in the workforce compared to women in the workforce… and I am reminded of why this conversation is so important.
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